Welcome to Theatre Smith-Gilmour Online

Adriano Sobretodo • March 20, 2011

Thanks for taking the time to come explore our new online home and tools at Theatre Smith-Gilmour Online.

From the home page you can learn more about the company, learn the latest Theatre Smith-Gilmour micro-news through the Twitter feed at the top right, and macro-news through the company blog. In the sidebar you will find a Facebook Page to stay connected with the company, a budding YouTube channel and a Flikr Photostream with thirty years of photos .

This portal was created to begin a conversation with the many audience members and artists the company is interconnected to. Please feel free free to intact with the company online with whichever tools and make sense for you though commenting, liking, sharing, retweeting, or just anonymously enjoying.

Over the next few months in the lead up to Luminato in June 2011, this site will be using these tools to complement and explore Theatre Smith Gilmour’s landmark production LU XUN Blossoms , the first ever Sino-Canadian co-production in theatre. Stay tuned for regular content on this show, the company and the work it creates.

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