A message from the Co-Artistic Directors

Adriano Sobretodo • March 19, 2011

NO ESCAPE (1982) Dean Gilmour and Michele Smith

30 years! So many characters! So many hats! And shoes!!! And all the beautiful theatres from Moscow to Shanghai……. And yet, still the same chaos of our yearning, the same violence we feel in our hearts against the status quo. Of this chaos what could be born? SPENT at the Factory Studio Theatre, October 29 – November 28, 2010 LU XUN BLOSSOMS to be presented at the Luminato Festival and (co-produced with the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre)
-Michele Smith

Every story has a hidden story. Under the surface of our daily life, lies hidden a mythical connection to the past. Our work over the years has been a search for ways to make the invisible, visible. We have taught ourselves to look and listen for the mysterious movement of thoughts and emotions buried deep inside each one of us. No matter where you are in the world, when the lights fade to black there is a moment of magic on both sides of the footlights because in this moment we all have a chance to encounter the invisible.
-Dean Gilmour

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