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Metamorphoses Postponed
May 5, 2020
Postponement of Metamorphoses - Due to COVID19
In light of COVID19, we have taken every necessary measure to ensure the health and safety of our actors, colleagues and patrons. We've made the difficult decision to postpone our run of Metamorphoses which was to take place in April 2020 at the Theatre Centre. As soon as the dust has settled we will announce new dates. We have also moved all activity relating to the company virtually.
We love the work we've done with our Metamorphoses
cast: Nithya, Christine, Dan and Rob and can't wait to see them back in the limelight.
We're taking the rapid unfolding of this pandemic very seriously and doing our best to play our part in the effort to slow it down. We wish to recognize the incredible devotion of our healthcare workers who are on the front lines risking their lives for our country in this difficult time.
We hope you are all safe and healthy and getting creative at home,